Thursday, April 19, 2012


february scrapiness finished today.
love that i used my own terrible handwriting to
journal each event instead of typing it into microsoft word and
printing each event out separately.
love that i will someday be happy to see my handwritten letters instead of a fancy font.
love that each story is still fresh in my mind.
love that i was able to quickly relive each memory & smile.
love that i was able to include colins super bowl squares he made.
love that i was able to attach justins basketball thank you note to me.
love that i was able to find & attach ticket stubs.
love that i was able to print my iphone pictures at cvs to include.
love that i continue to enjoy this wonderful hobby that debbie
introduced me to nine years ago.
love that i include the big & little events.
love recording our everyday memories in a treasured
love adding the new pages to a binder.
love looking back on days, weeks, months & years gone by.
love finishing another month!