Wednesday, April 18, 2012


its that time again.
those cute little birds are looking for a new home.
yesterday colin & i spent the day on the patio
swooshing them away
each time they landed on the molding
on the patio ledge.
at 8am this morning, they were back
in full force with a couple buddies.
i had to get creative.
i had to get out the big ladder.
i had to get out the duct tape.
i had to laugh at what the backyard neighbors must of been thinking.
i had the thought that they might actually use the paper in their nest.
i had to take pictures.
but, it worked.
who knew birds could read!
and yes, the boys all got a big laugh out of this one.
i can hear the sippel stories they will tell their children already
about the birds and the sign i hung to scare them away.