Wednesday, April 29, 2009


talk about a challenge. spring cleaning on steroids. a marathon run. a purge. are you strong enough? can you handle it? can you accept the challenge?
i came across this blog today and it hit me.
clean out the broken/old/not worn stuff and move on. now. today.
clean out your stuff/space/mind and move on. now. today.

heres the details...

this week, get rid of:
10) articles of clothing that don’t fit, don’t flatter and will never be worn.
9) books or magazines you’ve already read or know you aren’t going to get to.
8) excess items from your bathroom – anything from outdated makeup to old cleaning supplies and near empty bottles of lotion.
7) unloved DVD’s, CDs, or VHS tapes that you haven’t listened to or watched in years.
6) items from your fridge or pantry that will never be eaten or have passed their ideal freshness.
5) useless pieces of kitchenware – anything from old pots and pans, outdated appliances- or that weird wiry thing you’ve never been able to identify.
4) items on your to-do list that you keep avoiding. Dive in headfirst and either do it, or delete it (if it’s really not worth your time after all).
3) regular chores (at home or work) that are no longer necessary, or that someone else can and should do instead of you. Yes, this means delegate, even if you live alone—look for low-cost services, hire a teen, barter with friend.
2) obligations in your schedule that make you cringe when you see them. I.e.- committee work which is no longer rewarding, meetings you regret having booked, or a social engagement you are genuinely dreading.
1) time-hogging habit that is no longer serving you. I.e.- procrastination, chronic lateness, or constantly checking email. You may not slay your habit monster in one day, but make the commitment today and comment on this post publicly proclaim your resolve.
can you relate/clean/toss and move on. now. today.
can you do one/two/three or more and move ahead. now. today.
try just one.