Tuesday, April 28, 2009


random thoughts just floating around.
colin is still into legos. look what he built this weekend. he went online. found the directions to create this by combining two kits he had. and step by step from the screen he made this. not sure i could do it. nathan is in the taks mode with one test today & one test tomorrow. justin is into the pokemon thing again - creating his own deck online which is pretty creative stuff.
colin is back on the 'my name is colin, not curly' thing.
nathan bought a new ninetendo game on friday and he od on it this weekend.
justin is still into the long hair and hoodie (despite its 85 degress).
all love going to the library. i let them roam the shelfs independently and enjoy watching the library bag fill with books. justin tends to gravitate toward certain authors and the wrestling section. nathan hits the series books & the adult football section. colin has several authors he adores and just rechecks the same books out over and over. this week he found out that books with a green sticker on the spine are 'second grader' level and hence we have lots of green sticker books this week - i can't wait for him to read some new books.
justin ordered a book from barnes & noble online last week and it was great to watch him track its progress from time of order to time of shipment to time it was out for delivery (it arrived while we were at football practice)
all three boys are into playing outside with all the neighborhood kids. as i look around our yard, there is a worn path of grass circling our house that reminds me of the worn path on the hardwood floors from the boys driving their cars, firetruck and snuglebug around and around on the first floor on patton...and now they are running around and around the yard...good stuff...
this is now.
just now.
just today.