Monday, April 27, 2009


{the lastest addition to the refridge door}

colin the composer.
last night colin was very busy after dinner.
last night colin was being very secretive while he was writing away.
last night colin was writing a song.
last night colin not only wrote a song but sang it as well.
last night colin sang and steve & i had front row bar stool seats.
last night colin sang for us from his lyric worksheet.
last night colin thought maybe he'd be a singer when he grows up.
last night colin went to bed knowing he could be anything in the world.
last night colin was on his very own american idol show.
colin the composer.
colin the writer.
colin the singer.
colin the world is yours!
life in that of a seven year old.
filled with dreams without limits.
filled with innocence without barriers.
filled with hope without fears.
go. colin. go.

(check out this musical fun place)