Thursday, March 8, 2007

happy thursday

its sunny and 78 today and its hard not to be a good mood. i love this austin weather. i do not miss the cold. i do not miss the snow. i do not miss the grey days. i do not miss the cold feet in boots. i do not miss the boot puddles at every door. i do not miss the extra time to get dressed before catching the bus with hats/scarves/mittens/boots/sneakers in the backpack...ok, now i pray God does not have us moving back there anytime soon...had a parent teacher conference with colins teacher-ms.becky this morning and the only thing she could identify as a potential problem was how quick he is to cry when he fears that he has done something wrong/incorrect - wonder where he gets that from...i'm still upset about getting scammed(is that a word?) last week by some chick selling cleaner at our front door- i know exactly when she hooked me-her magic potion was able to get the oil stains off our driveway from where the mazda had a leak last year & those had been driving me is self-punishment, no target this week!!! let me tell you its NOT easy staying out of that store...i can see the starbucks cafe as i drive by, i can hear the clearance end caps calling my name, i can smell the #1 combo for a dollar...
gotta go and pick up colin. what will i do without him this fall?? i cherish each day just hanging with him...never had this opportunity with the other two...peace and happy sun!