Wednesday, August 1, 2018


any words needed ?
colin's smile tells it all !
colin has joined the club - no more wisdom teeth.
dr. david helped put colin in the car.
love this silly talk time.
colin: "mom, we can walk home."
me: "i think we'll drive."
colin: "mom, we can really walk home."
me: "i think we'll drive."
(my finger is now on lock door button)
colin: "mom, i'd like to walk home."
me: "i think we'll drive."
colin: "ok, we'll walk"
me: "home already - a lot faster than walking."
follow up story.
child #1 has wisdom teeth out.
one week before, i take completed forms to surgeon, 
prefill antibiotics & pain medication,
make 5 flavors of jello & stock the freezer with ice cream.

child # 2 has wisdom teeth out.
day of surgery, i bring completed forms to surgeon.
i drop off prescriptions on way home from surgery to pick up later,
i make jello that afternoon & steve picks up ice cream on the way home from work.

child # 3 has wisdom teeth out.
i never even printed forms, 
filled out paperwork while colin is in pre-op area,
medicated him with leftover pain pills from child #2 
and a couple advil in the bottom of my purse &
check amazon prime to see if they can deliver premade jello.