Sunday, December 3, 2017


nothing like singing a christmas carol at church today 
to get ya back in the holiday spirit.
christmas at the movies series began.
beauty and the beast was todays sermon.
snatched this photo after church of random people standing 
with the cast.
line was too long for me to stand in.
but i did really want my photo with beast.
add watch beauty and the beast movie to my netflix watchlist.
i can't believe i never saw this movie - ever.
what's up with the talking teapot and walking table?
need to revisit my childhood years.
sippel kris kringle cousin book exchange lives on!
wrote down each boy with their cousin's name -
can't trust this brain to remember anything these days.
back to christmas card project.
2 hours later - still no perfect card.
maybe i'll skip christmas cards this year.
move this to tomorrow's to-do list.
wow - i feel better now !