Sunday, December 10, 2017


book club holiday dinner party.
i did wind up wearing socks and shoes - no flip flops tonight.
do you ever get an idea in your head and you just have to fulfill it ?
i got this idea last night.
it was really a backup idea.
my first idea failed when i was unable to locate all 9 book club
books from the past year in this house.
then i remembered after searching forever,
that i never bought the january book.
i borrowed from the library.
so taking a picture of all the books piled up, sending to walgreens
to have 12 copies made in one hour or less, driving to pick them up, 
finding cute frames to put them in and wrap each one up is no longer an option.
idea # 2 now needs to become reality.
this idea is a little more time consuming.
but hey, i have almost 24 hours to make it happen.
download template here.
find picture of spine for missing book on internet.
draw each title.
run through copier.
reduce size to 95% to fit in a 4x6 frame.
check ikea online for availability of frames in stock.
narrow down to 2 frame options.
drive to ikea.
find a 4x6 picture frame in a store the size of rhode island.
stand in line behind a couple redoing their entire house in ikea furniture.
think about all the fun they are going to have this week.
think about all the washers, nuts and screws are in those boxes.
make a rough estimate.
laugh again - quietly inside my head.
go home.
make 12 copies on thick white cardstock.
trim each one.
open up each frame - why does this cellophane wrapping what to stick to my hand?
check time on clock.
pick up the pace.
load hand drawn xerox copy into each frame.
press those little tabs on the back of each frame.
dust with shirt and add a bow.
love it when an idea turns into a cute, pinterest worthy gift.
stayed up past my bedtime.
lots of laughs, drinks and food tonight.