Monday, December 16, 2013


december daily:
i love this time of the year for so many reasons.
i love waking colin up at 630am and then plugging in the tree lights.
i love the soft light that fills the first floor as i turn on the coffee pot.
i love looking at each special ornament hanging on the tree.
i love that colin was sitting on the stairs this morning putting
on his sneakers and called to me, "hey mom if you sit right here,
the candle looks like it is lit on the tree."
i love starting my day with such cute observations.
i love the holiday everyday memories!
so fast forward.
its exactly 445pm and nathan walks in the front door from school.
"hey mom, i finally put together a wish list on amazon that you've been asking for."
well, its not on our family account.
quick, find nathans email address - done.
finally found his list.
item one: preorder book  - available june 10th, 2014 !
you couldn't even find something 'in stock'
item two: add to cart, checkout, express shipping fees, done.
(don't worry, he doesn't read this blog)
hohoho - thank you amazon!