Wednesday, December 11, 2013


december daily:
so the short story behind the picture.
tonight was justins national honor society holiday party.
4 dozen cookies - check
1 holiday gift wrapped - check
1 tacky sweater for contest - check
well, it really wasn't a jingle bells, light up tree, singing caroler kinda
sweater but it was a sweater dug out of moth balls for him to wear.
it was a sweater older than i have known steve.
it has survived longer than 23 years and
moved half way across the country.
it paid off.
justin was the winner of the ugly/tacky sweater contest!
so glad i grabbed this photo before he left for the party.
not sure steve will ever wear this sweater again.
my favorite two words on today-
"in stock"
hohoho santa is back in business!