Tuesday, March 27, 2012


because sometimes you just have to get away from the phone,
tv, computer, video games, washing machine and those nasty
daily distractions.
because sometimes you just have to throw the daily routine, the clock
and norm out the window.
because somedays you just have to get outside, get some sun
and just listen.
because somedays you just want dinner without the tv on.
because somedays you just don't want to do the dishes, clean the counters
and windex the glass table top.
because somedays will be gone before you know it.
because somedays will just be a sliver of memories all rolled
because somedays just scream out loud and say today.
so today we did just that for an hour.
so today we brought our own bottle of ketchup with us.
so today we left our ipods, ipads, iphones & itouchs in the car.
so today we sat, we laughed, we talked, we ate.
so today we dipped our toes fingers in the pool.
so today we sat in the sun before it gets too hot to do so.
so today.
because someday.
it will be yesterday.