Tuesday, January 24, 2012


i just finished reading this book.
the reviews have been great but the title just did not appeal to me.
i'm not a fan of baseball & i was hesitant to pick this one up
but when it was just sitting on the new book shelf at the library
i snatched it up thinking it was a sign.
and yes, it was a good read.
and yes, it was about baseball.
and yes, it was about so much more.
the characters just sucked me in &
i found myself dragging this 512 page hard covered book everywhere.
when you lug that much around in your purse, you know you are hooked.
when you read at 4:30 in the morning during an insomniac period, you know you are hooked.
the relationships are a psychiatrists dream.
the ending was not predicted.
the beautiful sentences flowed from chapter to chapter.
good read.