Saturday, June 18, 2011


my tower of terror.
slightly different than the disney ride.
probably a little scarier if you ask me.
instead of shoeboxes of photos,
i have clear boxes of photos.
really no difference.
these boxes are from many, many years.
these boxes are from pre-digital years.
these boxes are from pre-scrapbooking years.
these boxes are back from when you would take a roll of 36 photos over
a span of days, weeks or months & then drop them
off at target & pick them up days, weeks or months later.
these boxes hold the hundreds, thousands of misfit photos
of years gone by.
these boxes hold the memories i cherish, the memories i don't remember,
the memories i don't want to forget, the memories that don't have the stories
documented & memories that are just random.
these boxes are begging to come out of the closet.
the temptation was great to just open
one box and pour through the photos
BUT i was strong and just dusted the boxes,
vacuumed the carpet & packed them back into the closet.
another project for another day!