Thursday, June 16, 2011


it was a simple line on my to-do list.
'put away this years school memory binders x 3.'
easier said than done.
the box is buried deep in our hall closet.
(i still miss my basement on days like this!)
the box was found late last night &
once i opened it this morning, the boys went wild.
they laughed, they facebooked, they read, they looked,
they cherished their works of art, report cards, yearbooks &
school papers of years gone by.
"i wouldn't trade my mom for a computer."
"i wouldn't trade my dad for an ice cream cone."
instead of tossing in the new binders into the box and
sliding it back into the closet -
we sorted the treasures into three piles &
gave each boy their own "memory box."
a 10 minute task turned into a 3 hour project.
but what a great time.
i am so happy that i saved a piece of each of their childhood memories.
i am so happy that they each a contained in ONE box.
i am so happy to have those binders safely stored in their new home.

heres to looking back at saved treasures.
heres to saving a treasure today!