Monday, October 18, 2010


weekend recap.
wallstreet date night complete with recliners, blankets,
cocktails & waitress.
not sure if i can go back to the theater style now that
we've experienced gold theater.
football games x 2 under blue skies.
new glasses for nathan.
boo-ed our neighbors x 2.
afternoon college football parties with pizza.
evening football parties under the stars with cocktails.
church and birthday brunch at z'tejas on the patio.
football practice & cheeseburgers.
georgetown art festival in the square.
homework & christmas tunes filling the house.
reflection projects for school.
finished reading 'where the red fern grows' with colin -
ok, there should be a warning before reading this classic -
not a fairy tale happy ending in this one.
one busy weekend.
batteries recharged.
ready to jump back into the week routine!
happy monday!