colin busy at work on his social studies project.
his business marketing project.
he has developed a business plan, a marketing strategy and
an advertising campaign.
he has competition.
he is working on ideas to beat the competition.
i love his honest dedication.
i love his motivation.
(this isn't due until october 15th)
i love watching him map out his time line.
i love watching him think.
i love hearing his third grader insight.
i love challenging him to think outside the box.
i love it that he knows who bill gates, steven jobs & michael dell are.
i love that this is our kitchen table.
'colins creative wallets' succeeds.
" its not only a wallet but it can hold
a cell phone, an itouch or an ipod.
everything is safe with a velco closure.
optional lanyard to wear around your neck.
available in three colors"
- part of his ad campaign
heres to a duct tape wallet stand opening near
you soon!
a cell phone, an itouch or an ipod.
everything is safe with a velco closure.
optional lanyard to wear around your neck.
available in three colors"
- part of his ad campaign
heres to a duct tape wallet stand opening near
you soon!