Monday, July 19, 2010


i was an ebay virgin.
we cleaned the boys closets & found 2300 y-gi-oh cards.
someone suggested we try to sell them on ebay.
it took me longer to set up an ebay account, a paypal account,
figure out the shipping methods, upload a picture & write the ad than
i care to admit.
but little by little we figured it out.
we posted our ad.
along with 14,900 other yu-gi-oh ads.
day after day, we watched our ad go without
a single bid.
then guess what happened...
as a buy it now price!
the boys were excited.
we are off to figure out the rest of this transaction.
they have spent their 'found' money a hundred
different ways already.
fun stuff!
this might motivate the boys to clean the game
room for more sellable treasures!