Thursday, June 3, 2010


2 dates i am anxiously awaiting today.
1 spiderman.
1 a/c man.
these are appointments you do not want to miss.
these are appointments i never knew existed before texas.
these are appointments you do not dare step in the shower for fear you might miss the doorbell ringing.
one spiderman was scheduled between 7:30 am and 9:30 am.
yes, i was up and drinking coffee when he arrived.
one down - one to go.
next one was between 8 and 12 noon.
8am - not yet.
9am - not yet.
no shower/no run/no miss.
10am - not yet - teaching the boys the art of watching hgtv.
10:30am - nathan now knows what a sump pump is.
11am - not yet - monopoly with the boys.
11:30am - boys now appreciate the value of a staged home prior to selling.
12noon - not yet - chess game in action.
can't call yet - no anxious - they might move ya to the bottom of the list.
12:22 knock on the door. finally.
2:30pm - one expensive fix - ac working - all is well again.
2:31pm - out the door on errands.
note to self: next time a/c guy fixes the a/c - check the temperature on the a/c before leaving the house for 2 hours on errands - house might be a tad chilly upon returning.
4:30pm - boys now know about scam artists who 'fix' your house.
off to football falcon party tonight.
justin is dog sitting.
nathan is so upset about the tigers loss of perfection.
colin has watched the tooth fairy twice.
summer vacation is in full swing.