Wednesday, June 23, 2010


on todays to do list.
toy story 3.
nathan made us get up early so we could make the first showing of the day.
$1.25 saved per seat =
$ 5.00 saved.
enough for a large bucket of popcorn.
you can only imagine when we found out it was free
large popcorn refill day.
nathans eyes lit up with little dollar signs.
even more challenging was watching him
try to figure out when he could leave the movie to get his free refill.
torn between free popcorn & missing a minute of the movie.
popcorn won (barely).
it was free large soda refill too!
nathans mind was so overwhelmed with joy
i'm not sure he even watched the movie.
needless to say, we were not hungry for lunch.
great movie.
pure classic.
we all enjoyed it - regardless of age!