today was a full day of fun.
early release for all three boys.
our last after school sippel chess club meeting -
colins choice of location today & he selected z'pizza.
it was a true championship game lasting an hour
the time until justins spring concert.
nathan & colin anxiously await for the performance to begin.
wheres justin?
lost in the sea of beginners band!
lost in the sea of beginners band!
they sounded great & it was a treat
to hear how much they have improved just since december.
for a second tonight i couldn't believe that i was
a parent sitting in the audience listening to a sixth
grader play the baritone that belonged to me.
when did this happen?
hours linked together forming days, months, years...
time running by at lightning speed,
not waiting for me to absorb it all,
flashes of events - big & small,
justin getting stitches, going to the zoo for the first time,
off to nursery school, kindergarten on a bus all by himself,
scoring a goal, a basket, a touchdown,
riding a bike, going away to camp, growing taller than me,
flashes of events - big & small,
flashes of everyday memories.