Saturday, May 1, 2010


8:30 am
scott & white bat run
look whos at the starting line
recognize this runner?
how about this runner?
they both finished their first 1k race.
walk. run. fly shirts.
justin and i volunteered.
steve cheered & grabbed some pics.
off to football game one.
back to the bat run to catch all the things we missed.
all three were mesmerized with the stat one
emergency helicopter.
we loved the questions they asked the team.
"how much did this cost?"
"how fast can you get from here to temple?"
"what kind of patients do you carry?"
feel free to match the boy with the question.
colin was ready to take it for a ride.
nathan took a quick trip up the wall.
reminded him of reyes' birthday party.
back home for lunch
off to game two
the cool morning has been replaced with a humid afternoon
good game
as always, i didn't even sit down
back home so colin could change his clothes
off to the movies with his teacher to see
disneys ocean
i don't remember my second grade teacher
coordinating such a fun event
the big boys took care of the yardwork
off to fridays for dinner
home to watch
happy gilmore
had a finish our adam sandler marathon
i bet colin 50 dollars he couldnt stay awake
till the end of the movie
(he had a very busy day & his eyes were slits)
guess who lost?