Thursday, February 4, 2010


{at grandmas house - july 2008}
a celebration of life today.
looking back with fond memories.
remembering funny stories.
reciting grandmas 'work week'.
garden stories and strolls.
multiple christmas cookies.
(carefully stored in the basement cupboard)
violets and the story behind each plant.
(yes, there was one from my wedding shower)
a never ending candy dish.
all my children - everyday - without a dvr or soap network.
(that in itself is amazing)
a woman who really did spring cleaning.
(had it scheduled & actually enjoyed it)
plastic bread bags -washed and reused - years before it was 'green'.
(a recycler before it was in vouge)
the grandma who keeps cereal in the drawer.
(thats how my boys knew which grandma we were off to visit)
a celebration of life today.
"the old grey mare ain't what she used to be."