Monday, October 12, 2009


monday review.
colin & nathan went to locked-in friday night.
at 11pm.
at gattiland.
they had football games saturday.
so, i picked them up at 3am.
they hope next time they can stay till 7am.
talk about making memories.
saturday football - 1 team won & 1team lost.
chilly fall day. jacket weather.
steves homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner.
official sign that fall has arrived.
at least for a couple days.
hd tv is a nice picture.
it reminds me of vhs vs dvd days.
we watched state of play - great movie with russel & ben.
watched management - cute artsy love story with jennifer.
still loving the whole redbox thing.
especially because it is so close to the house.
bachelor boys football & pizza sunday night here.
no school today.
bagel einstein for breakfast.
giving tim hortons a challenge today.
especially those cinnamon bites.
have a feeling we'll be back soon.
parent teacher conferences this afternoon.
all good stuff. no surprises today.
toy story movies x 2 in 3D today.
lots of hours filled with popcorn & soda.
lots of 3D glasses & movie laughs.
nathan is still talking about it being
such a great financial deal - 2 movies with glasses
for only 6.50 per person.
for 4 hours of theater time.
PLUS the glasses!
gotta love his mind/perspective/thought process.
i think i enjoyed it as much as the boys.
holiday weekend is almost over.
heres to a busy week ahead.