Wednesday, April 1, 2009


"one day a fish saw a octopus. A octopus saw a fish. The fish told a knock knock joke to the octopus. The octopus laft and laft and laft. then they swam away form each other."
colins story from this weeks writing assignment at school

this is today.

the morning sun greets us as we turn the bend heading for school as a big perfect orange circle low on the horizon momentarily blinding us. we adjust our wednesday smiles. we adjust our backpacks. we adjust our attitudes to get ready for another wonderful day ahead of us. we review our day and realize that no one has football tonight. we can feel the relaxing afternoon ahead of us even though we have not yet reached the drop off zone. elf is playing in the background - 'its very purplely' -
it is going to be a purplely day!

i make it to the hospital without spilling my coffee on me,
without forgetting my paperwork,
without forgetting my cell phone,
without forgetting my badge -
it is going to be a purplely day ahead.

birthday songs.
outdoor games of tag.
cheeseburgers on the grill.
troys grilling filling our kitchen.
americal idol winds us down.
it was a purplely day indeed.