Thursday, December 18, 2008


today was filled with last minute elf errands
lunch at starbucks
book browsing at barnes
post office packages stuffed and sent
afternoon guitar lessons
special school letters

peppermint candy cane cookies
and a snapshot of a busy holiday elf
working hard at the north pole
warm cloudy day
no sunburns for auntie laur this trip
dinner at texas roadhouse
complete with a birthday rodeo next to us
some horton hears a who to fill our day
a special kris kringle gift from
lauren and aaron
to complete our holiday day
heres to gumballs & zoo books &
naps by the fireplace
heres to mastermind at 6am &
trundle bed sleepovers
heres to a great visit with auntie laur
maybe you'll be snowed in with us tomorrow!