Wednesday, April 23, 2008

nesting project #8

this project was originally a weekend creative valentines project downloaded
from ali edwards blog that progressed into a belated anniversary present for steve
that is filled with wonderful treasures from the 'us' shoebox -
you know the special things you save - ticket stubs. post-it love notes. cards for no special occasion. pictures that never make it to the album. words that only have meaning between us.
all smashed together.
in one place.
held together with two circle ring clips.
15 years in the making...
pictures from the special day to the everyday...
pictures & party invites from the dating years...
pictures of us throughout the years, throughout the glasses...
little bachelor invites & big silly smiles...
pages from filofaxes and pages from newspapers....
pages from today.... happy fifteen years.
happy days always.
heres to adding to our book.
heres to adding you + me.