Monday, March 3, 2008

no mother of the year award here...

the story behind joy...
so steve & i go to pick up nathan and justin from sunday school a couple weeks ago and in the midst of going from one classroom to the next, nathan is talking to me but i'm not paying attention...too busy looking for my pickup sticker...too busy chatting away...meanwhile nathan is asking me about my word - whats my word?...whats my new word?...what is he talking about? something from church? something i was supposed to do for sunday school? the answer to a riddle?...finally in desperation to get my attention, he says what is my new word FOR THE BLOG for this year??! oh...ummm...its "live" this year nathan, why?...because i thought it was "joy" and i bought this for you at the sunday school store (carefully hands over the beautiful joy cross as noted above...) - {insert loser mom moment here}...thank you nathan - it was so thoughtful of you that i'm going to change my word for this month to here we are now...a great detour from live to doesn't get any better than this...enJOY!