Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my word this year...

{pottery barn frame...live fully...christmas present to steve...december 2007}
i've been thinking alot about my 'word' for this year...
i've been chatting alot with my sil debbie about my 'word' for this year...
i've been pondering alot this month about my 'word' this year...
i've been talking outloud (?) aloy abount finding my 'word' this year...
and i didn't even need to worry about my 'word' for this year...
because justin found it for me.

today when i picked the boys up from the bus stop, justin jumped into the van and said totally unprompted "mom, i have your word for the year ...LIVE."
how can i argue with that...
so i'm retiring peace from 2007.
so i'm retiring change from 2006.
so i'm saying hello to live for 2008.
