Monday, November 12, 2007

monday visitor

{picture from july 2007 at crescent beach, canada - jim with our niece jayne, photo taken by lisa sippel}
guess who stopped in for a quick visit tonight? uncle jim - he has a meeting in houston this week & come down to texas a day early to play golf & have dinner with us...unfortunately he missed his early flight and had to skip a round of golf with steve but he arrived safe & sound at 7pm and we headed off to the daily grill for dinner and drinks...delicious seared rare ahi tuna & orange blood martini (highly recommended by sarah - thanks girl, you know your cocktails) started off our evening while we got caught up on the buffalo talk...thanks for the time, stay longer.

{matt. lisa. mahaney. oliver. charlotte & jayne - crescent beach, july 2007. photo taken by whoever was holding their camera!}

happy belated birthday matt !!