Wednesday, October 24, 2007

happy anniversary

exactly 2 years ago today was steves first day at texas...his last day at bank of america was friday and saturday morning we took him to the airport to head on down south while the boys and i stayed home to sell the house and finish up the semester at school...some days it seems like just yesterday and other days it seems like a lifetime steve started his first day at dell, i was putting up the for sale sign on our dream house...change became our new word...this coming from a couple who would ponder what color laundry basket to buy for days now would be making slightly bigger life altering changes left and job/new house/new city/new school/new neighbors/new doctors/new everything...everyday. maybe it was time for us to shake things up a little. maybe it was time to look at life from a different perspective. maybe it was time for us to grow closer to each other. looking back over the last two years i have so many blessings to be thankful for but most of all for my rock, my strength, my best friend - happy anniversary! i'm so proud of you. of us. of change. of growing. of learning. of forgiving. of loving. of living. of moving forward. of playing. of enjoying. of exploring. of peace in the day to day thing called life.