Friday, October 26, 2007

friday fun

spent the day at the domain with lauren - we tried all the samples at oakville (and i mean all the samples from the jam to the cheese to the barbecue sauce all before 11am), searched the bargain book racks at borders, wandered through rehuls mirrors, ate lunch at the steeping room (yes, it is true, lauren used the boys bathroom), tried on too many clothes at j.crew (pictures from the dressing room to follow), walked through lilly, window shopped at tiffanys, hit the palm trees at neimans and made it to the outlet mall by 2pm just to grab a starbucks to keep us to the bus stop, a game of sorry and off to the pizza on wheels fall festival at the clubhouse with the gang...saw a great sunset, felt the cool fall weather fall upon us and headed to the path for our traditional friday fun filled with homemade halloween cookies by taelyn and lots of weekly catchup chatter by the to bed...early football games for auntie lauren....