Wednesday, October 31, 2007

boo 2 u...

just making a couple of these in my spare time today...haha...heres a little eye candy to enjoy calories...where does martha come up with these great ideas? i'm off to target to pick up some halloween costumes for the boys...i used to hang out at the disney store in early september just waiting for them to put out their great costumes...we went thru winnie-the-pooh/tigger/eyeore when the boys were younger but unfortunately i could not even get colin to put on the tigger costume this year...'i'm too big for that' off to find a costume or two now...procrastinating has two possible outcomes today:
  1. great deal on a costume or
  2. super stressful because i can't find anything

(before you think i'm really bad, i do have a pirate outfit for colin - just in case!) hope your day is full of treats!