Friday, September 7, 2007

friday family fun nite continues

when we lived in buffalo and all of us had little kids, we started 'friday family fun night', each family took a turn hosted a friday nite filled with pizza/fun/kids running wild/staying up really really late and this happened 4 times per forward to austin and we kinda started the same thing but it quickly grew from monthly to WEEKLY and we are still going strong....on friday nights, we all start gathering outside anytime after 5pm and go from there - usually we order a pizza or eight (like tonight) and go from there...toad hunts/kickball games in the street/poker for the grownups - usually outside (once in a while inside if rain drops fall)...tonight we started we nikki and myself and the 5 boys and ended up with 24 more bodies as the evening progressed...its all good...its all fun..we are blessed to have such wonderful friends that we are proud to call our "family"...peace in all families.