Tuesday, September 25, 2007

daily picture

found this picture just hanging out in an old journal that i bought with all intentions of jotting down all the funny things that the boys say...i did well...it actually has 5 entries in it - 4 from january 2001 and 1 entry dated october 2001 (must of been lost for many months)...or perhaps i started something and never finished...you guess(?)...first entry dated 1/15/2001 - today, justin after going to the little boys room, proudly came out and declared that he "peed in the cups just like at dr. bonnies office" (recent doctors appt) and sure enough - there in the bathroom were 3 dixie cups on the counter - lined up and filled! the handwritten entry goes on to state that nathan finally was able to set up the game of trouble all by himself...maybe we were having difficulty with colors?!...not sure...this picture is from september 2001...check out the back packs - nathan is still using his and yes, it is a little small...ok, llbean online here i come...in the background is the crate and barrel kitchen table and chairs that we just said good bye to last week at the garage sale...this wall was in the dining room and it was painted powder blue when we bought the house along with deep pink carpet...can't believe we were able to see past that carpet and invision it with hardwood floors but we did...heres to today....