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daily picture
trying something new...i love to scrapbook but it really takes alot of time and effort to pull out all the stuff and create a whole 12x12 layout...i love pictures - i have boxes and boxes of them - my first camera was a kodak disc camera from years ago...i love elisas daily card inspriration - just a little something creative each day...i love ali's daily something project but can't seem to dream up the cool ideas that she i was thinking how about a daily picture thing - still working on how to create an album out of them but the general idea is take a picture out of one of the millions of shoeboxes i'll never get to scrapbook and just make a mini album out of them - jotting down the story/time/thought that each picture brings to mind....some pictures will be recent, some pictures will be old, some will be in between....i'm really kinda excited about this...i'm going to go and work on some kind of format/outline/motivator...wish me luck and maybe you'll see someone you recognize (or not!)...this picture is from nathans 7th birthday dinner at brennans the gap shirts on all the boys...can't dress them alike any more - not cool i was told by one of them...guess who?...we had lots of great times at brennans - i used to go there often when we moved out to clarence when i was in third about full circle...i have some great pictures from brennans when we went christmas tree cutting with the lowes...went there with bob and faith after steve moved to austin to hang out and catch up before we departed for texas...i used to work next store at a grocery store called bells and we would have a pop at brennans afterwards (i wasn't old enough to drink yet or again i should say - that was back when new york kept incresing the legal drinking age and i was legal not once but twice and then then changed it again to 21....) lots of fun times at brennans...we even managed to go there this summer with mom and dad one night...