Tuesday, August 14, 2007

still sad about the cell phone/picture issue

and i feel like i have been avoiding my blog for that very reason...back to the old scan and import...just been enjoying and embracing the non-schedule life...breezy...its been my new word lately...i have not been using my filofax either lately...yikes!..the down side of being breezy is that i've missed both of my brothers anniversaries and three birthdays...good thing for belated cards...lots to do today:
  • cut the grass
  • office work
  • go swimming at the pool
  • load of wash or two
  • more office work

it doesn't look like a very big list but it will take up the whole day and i probably won't get it all done...but i can try...we played a family game of poker last night - the boys truly enjoy this and they are very good at it too!...steve and i have been enjoying the beautiful weather and taking a walk after dinner when we can...we went to the pool as a family on both saturday and sunday & it was empty both days-go figure-sunny and hot and refreshing...on saturday night we hit dales essenhaus restaurant in walburg with the jones/smiths/huttons for a true texas evening experience...lots of cowboy hats/country music/horses/steamy still weather & buckets of beer...it was like we were on the set of a movie...a great evening and the kids just ran wild on the playground/basketball court/played hide-n-go-seek/sat on the horse...fun stuff...i took almost a whole roll of pictures...steve and i are still into just two tv shows these days...entourage and big love both on hbo...all new during the summer so we usually tape it and watch it later...its a great simple blessed life...peace.