Wednesday, June 13, 2007

errands take alot longer with kids in tow

just wanted to pick up a couple fathers day gifts this morning...estimated approx 1 hour...actual time 2 1/2 hours...can't just run into barnes and nobles without the boys wanting to look at every magazine, touch every board game, check out all the puzzle books, play with the thomas the train set-up, look for a captain underpants book that they are missing, listen to every musically fathers day card possible...then we had to run over to target because i was not buying a dvd at barnes and nobles that i knew was half the price across the street...again, can't just run into target without looking at the pokemon cards, checking out the video games, attempt to talk mom into buying a new movie for our collection...hence, a couple hours later we finally make it home...the good news, at least i stuck to my list and purchased only fathers day gifts/cards !! scrapbooking magazines, no new novels to sit on the nightstand, no new dvds to add to the shelf, no trading cards, no $1.oo specials at target - good to the post office...peace.