Tuesday, April 10, 2007

whats wrong with this picture?

do you remember highlights magazine? there was a hidden picture page where you had to find all the little pictures and then on the back cover was the whats wrong with this picture page and you would have to find all the silly things...well, colin is really in to this lately and he will sit and pour over old issues of the magazine (sounds like a little of his mom in him - you should check out my overflowing-magazines-to-finish-looking-at-before-i-recycle-them-basket!) and the other day he came out of the bathroom and stood in the doorway and said, "mom, whats wrong with this picture?" now normally i don't take pictures of the boys in the underwear but this was too funny...he was in such a hurry to get dressed that i think he forgot to take off the used pair....love this life...just had to share...