Wednesday, April 4, 2007

kindergarten registration

i can't believe that colin is almost starting school...i'm not sure what i'll do without my little helper around all day to keep me company...this house is going to be very quiet...he is so excited today to go to registration at cactus ranch where "the brothers" go everyday...he's happy/i'm sad...he's excited to venture out into the world/i'm scared that he's out in the world...can't believe it's here, it seems like just yesterday he was born and now he's getting ready for kindergarten...WHERE DID THOSE FIVE YEARS GO!! i want them back - well, most of them at least!! i love my uninterrupted sleep every night tooooo much to go back to that world...i'm off to stock up on kleenex, if registration is bringing on this sentimental hormonal day, i can only imagine what a basket case i'll be this august...can you say empty nest even if the three boys are only in elementary school all day? peace for new routines, peace for growing up and spreading your wings, peace for just this great journey called life! i'm off to find his baby pictures now...