Saturday, April 21, 2007

i finished

a book...finally...after renewing it at the library twice...i remember when i would read a book in a week...little slower these days...good book/well written/would read it again...the history of love by nicole krauss...last night colin told steve that i sat in the back all day and read my book...well, all day is a stretch because i did get my hair colored in the morning (thank goodness - it was really bad/really grey) and i did come home and cut the grass but from 1:30 till 3:15 i sat in the sun and did some serious reading/tanning at the same time...multitasking, plus i knew the weather was going to be cloudly this weekend and i really needed a little color...i felt a little guilty but i was just tired of "post-it notes and to-do lists" today...just in one of those places and a nice dose of sunshine changed that along with a vodka tonic and chipotles for i'm on the hunt for a new book to read...not sure what kind i'm in the mood for...maybe a trip to b&n will help out...along with a cafe latte...perfect afternoon considering its warm and cloudly/nathans under the weather/no pressing chores to do...enjoy.