Thursday, April 12, 2007

i am a catching-up-procrastinator

this is me...i work really hard to catch up with a project/office work then i do not stay on top of it which leads me to being behind which leads me to work really hard to catch up again...and around and around i go...why is this?...the laundry is all caught up and if i would just do one load a day there would be no need to get up at 6am to throw a load of wash into the dryer so the boys don't have to wear wet socks or dirty socks from football the night before...if i just paid the bills when they arrived then there would be no late fees...but somehow i find it more challenging to just randomly guess when the bills are due...if i would just scrapbook the pictures as they arrive while the thoughts/ideas/emotions/dates/general year/location...but no i find it much more fun to try to guess the month and year by looking at nates smile (he had the silliest grin for years while his teeth grew in) or perhaps guessing what year by looking at my hair style...on the other hand, if i never procrastinated, i would never feel that minute of victory/accomplishment when i squeeze in right before the clock strikes twelve...that rush of joy that i did it in the nick of time...hope you are enjoying a good book/starbucks/sitting in the sun while you procrastinate....