Tuesday, April 17, 2007

happy fourteen

i can't believe that we have been married for fourteen years...where did they go to??? i look at this picture and the day seems like a lifetime ago and look how young we look - like kids...our biggest decisions were where to go out for dinner tonight and what plans do we have for the weekend?? life changes...we change...kids change us...time changes us...our today changes our tomorrow...we grow stronger each day so we can enjoy our life together...where there is life, there is love.
i used this picture today to make a layout - a one picture lo (yikes ! and its a 4x6) and i also figured out how to print a copy of it off my printer (yikes, again!) and i even used paint and my own handwriting (not printing!)...talk about leaving the comfort zone...and guess what, i love it...it is so different for me...too cool!
happy anniversary to you steve...heres to life!