Saturday, April 7, 2007

friday nite bowling

we took the boys bowling last night along with the hudsons...i totally have not a clue how to bowl but we had a riot and the boys did great...i think their scores were higher than mine, although thats not saying was such a fun change and something completely different to do and of course we had dinner and drinks while we bowled...gotta love that combo! our saturday morning football games were cancelled due to the cold rainy buffalo, this would of been the normal conditions to play in...are we kinda spoiled down here that we don't play in a little rain?...well, i love to be spoiled then...somehow its so much easier to cheer the boys on in warm sunny weather...just hanging today, colored easter eggs, started a game of payday(we play for a whole year, meaning 12 times around the board NOT for 12 months...i'm a good mom, not a crazy one!)and just relaxing inside. made another blog this week for the siblings in attempts to keep up whats going on in their lifes instead of hearing it thru mom...this should be fun and because we are a foursome of procrastinators (thanks dad) we started on just a weekly blog commitment...i'm already going thru old pictures that will get us laughing for sure...if this works out, maybe i'll see if the sippel outlaws want to whip one up for the family...
heres hoping you find your favorite flavor of jelly beans in your basket tomorrow.