Friday, March 16, 2007

gotta love these boys

ok, so i don't own a digital carema (can't part with my cannon rebel) or an ipod(still own a cd player and actually still use it) but i do have a dell printer that scans things and look what i just figured out how to scan/how to find it in the computer/how to open it/how to send it to my blog/have to view it...not bad for an old will never admit how long this took or if i can ever do it again...put for now i just am so happy i did this... the little things that make me happy...the simple just as it is...wouldn't change a thing. this is from last month when colin turned 5...he picked out the flavor - orange cake with butter cream frosting ...wasn't the best combo but colin did not want another harvey wallbanger cake (this is another whole story) so off to bake this creation that not one of my sugar-loving boys finished the first piece much for trying something new/quick/out-of-a-box...lesson learned/mistake made...can't believe my baby is five...not going to even think about what happens when he starts school this august...can you say basketcase? we'll worry about that later.