Saturday, March 10, 2007

gotta love saturdays

the best day of the schedule yet(flag football games to start soon - which takes up most of saturday morning and early afternoon)...just a day to do started off with words including its not fair/justin/root beer/cheese puffs...yada yada yada...get over it is not fair/your brother got a 100 on his taks test/move along...breakfast tacos from rudys - now here is another perfect example of cool things in texas - take a soft taco shell, fill it with cheese, top it with scrambled eggs and bacon(and/or a ton of other things) and what you have is a breakfast taco...cant believe i eat them/can't live without them on saturday mornings! can't really top that for news to report to the pool to check out the water temp...soon enough we will be swimming every moment we can...sarah & troy joined us for pizza last night and they are on spring vacation in oregon now...texas rodeo in town...steve and j-dog are golfing...sun is shinning/mojito is minty/life is to sonic for a little treat/hit the pool/read a little...enjoy the little moments.