Tuesday, November 14, 2017


todays gratitude journal.
recommended book.
reserved at library online.
test message received when book was available.
feeling guilty for having abused my local librarian.
just didn't want someone else to grab it off the shelf.
finished reading "class mom" by laurie gelman.
hysterical laughs !
favorite quote:
“But even the best lives need a vacation and, let’s face it, 
renting a house with your family at a ski resort is not a vacation. 
It’s basically moving your life from one location to another. 
Unless someone else is making the beds, doing the laundry, and cooking, 
it’s just the same old life with the added inconvenience 
of not knowing where anything is in the kitchen.” 
― Laurie GelmanClass Mom
life is better with humor and laughs!